Sunday, November 29, 2020

Bring The Fire

Bring the Fire

By I.M. Ulysses


Bring the fire

Oh Lord On high

May it cleanse

This world at nigh


Let it burn

The hearts of those

Who take the lives

Of broken souls


Turn the sky

Red with blood

That all the evil

May be undone


Unleash your fury

Upon those men

Who for lucre

Sweet lives do end


Rend your justice

For those now lost

Balance the scales

Make good the cost


Show them no mercy

Who cause such pain

Who loot and spoil

The weak and lame


Thy Wrath and Vengeance

May this day come

And to a worse fate

Let them all succumb


Then please remember

My oldest friend

Who mourns her son

Help her heart mend


Uplift and protect

Her broken family

As they mourn their child

Who now rests in thee


Make still the land

Speed Lord the day

When death itself

Will cease its sway


Awake the dawn

Shout it is done

Push way the stone

Love's victory won


This we await

As did Christ's mother

Who wept at the cross

On a day like no other


Mourning has come

For now and a while

But then it will pass

And with it this trial


Then hearts will sing

As they did before

When they’re reunited

Together once more


That day is coming

For those now crying

Who love and miss you,

Their son, and brother, Ryan.

For Ryan Nayler,

On behalf of his mother, Christine, his father, Tom, and his many friends and family.
